How big is your slice of the pie?

When I was pregnant with my second baby (many years ago!) I was the doting mommy to the most perfect little 2 year old.  He was obviously the smartest, cutest, most gorgeous baby ever made 😉 and I remember feeling the most overwhelming feeling of love for this little creature that was so intense, it physically hurt at times.

I was so excited to have another baby, but  I remember a big old jumble of emotions as the time to deliver my second son grew ever closer.  I remember thinking: “How would it be possible to love another child with the same intensity of love I felt for my first.”  I could not fathom where I would find enough love for both of them if my first baby was filling my heart completely.

See, I was expecting to have to divide my love between my two children, but as I held my second son, who by the way,  miraculously was ALSO the smartest, cutest, most gorgeous baby ever made, I realised a phenomenal thing.  Mother’s love does not divide at all.  It multiplies.  Your heart just doubles in size and all the love is there.  I never had to take love away from my first to give to my second.  I was so relieved and over the moon to be head over heals in love with 2 beautiful children.  Of course when my daughter was born, I knew what to expect and couldn’t wait for more love to flood my being and make my heart grow another size.

I’m telling you this story, because I made a similar observation when it comes to the abundance of the Universe, the Love and Grace of God.  There was a time when I held a belief that there was just enough abundance to go around.  One big pie, and we each were dealt a slice of the pie and that was that.  Some people were given a large slice, some were given just enough to keep them comfortable, but not quite satisfied and others received very very little or none at all.

The truth is that abundance is a never ending flow.  You don’t just get a slice, you get your very own pie AND you get to decide how large this pie will be and with whom you will share your pie.  Also, if you should loose your pie in some way or another, you can rest assured that there is another pie waiting for you to claim.

Slice of the pieAbundance, like mother’s love, does not divide, it too multiplies.  Abundance creates abundance.  This to me is such a relief.  Firstly, it is exhausting to go through life envious of what others have, wondering how you could get your paws on some of their pie.  Now, when I see someone succeed, make loads of money or live in their dream home, it excites me and I’m so thankful for them and what they have, because they are a living testimony to how much there is.  Their abundance attracts more into our world, which of course means we can expect to receive as much as we are brave enough to envision for ourselves.

My next dilemma regarding my belief that there was only one pie, was that I would feel guilty for earning a good salary.  With the old belief, I was convinced that I had just taken from someone else’s piece of the pie to make my piece larger and being the over emotional person I am, that really made me uncomfortable. Now, I welcome abundance on all levels into my life. Love, health, wealth and joy.  The more I have, the more  have to share with the world.  The more I’m attracting abundance on all levels, the more I’m doing my bit to raise the positive vibration on this planet.

So, are you happy to settle for an old belief that you were given your slice of the pie, or will you join me in attracting abundance beyond measure for the sake of the world?

I wish you a blessed, prosperous, joyful day and may your abundance multiply many fold and in all areas of your life.

Love, always


2 thoughts on “How big is your slice of the pie?

    • Thank you my friend! Sorry for the late reply to your reply :). I’m glad you are enjoying the blog. I share what has helped me and meant the world to me, so if it rings true for you, then we are on the same wave length – but we knew that already!! 🙂

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